Rumtex Booster KNH
Emulsifier for oily and greasy linen e.g. Kitchen Uniforms.
Not Available For Sale 0.0 KES
150.00 KSh 150.0 KES
Rumtex Liquid Rust Remover
Rust and Iron Spotting Agent
600.00 KSh 600.0 KES
MoreCare Hand washing cream
Hand Washing & Sanitizing
1,200.00 KSh 1200.0 KES
Rumtex Ink Stain Remover
Rumtex ink Stain remover is a combination of destainers, sequesterants, and stabilizers specially formulated for removing ink stains on all types of linen.

For stain removing
Sort out ink stained linen and spot the linen inside out using a sponge. When the ink is significantly reduced soak the stained part of the fabric
1,200.00 KSh 1200.0 KES
MoreCare Hand washing cream “P”
Hand Washing & Sanitizing
1,200.00 KSh 1200.0 KES
1,800.00 KSh 1800.0 KES
Rumkleen Detergent Disinfectant 2 in 1
Heavy Duty Detergent Disinfectant for general cleaning & disinfecting with grease cutting additives and sanitizers. One stop detergent all surface cleaner
2,400.00 KSh 2400.0 KES
Rumkleen Industrial Bleach - liquid
Used for bleaching and sterlizing equipments, fabrics and all washables surfaces even linen. It is hypochlorite based
3,500.00 KSh 3500.0 KES
Rumtex Fabric Disinfectant
Disinfects all linen
4,500.00 KSh 4500.0 KES
Rumtex Fabric Softener
Softener for all fabrics with a pleasant perfume
4,500.00 KSh 4500.0 KES
Rumkleen Hand Wash Degreaser
Degreaser for kitchen floors and any other greasy floors
5,600.00 KSh 5600.0 KES
Rumtex FE(Ionizer)
Rust and Iron Remover in bulk washing. Brightens fabrics
6,500.00 KSh 6500.0 KES
Rumkleen Degreaser
Degreaser for kitchen floors and any other greasy floors
6,500.00 KSh 6500.0 KES
Rumtex PB – (Special for protein based stubborn stains e.g Blood)
Protein Stain Remover. It also removes a combination of
6,500.00 KSh 6500.0 KES
Rumtex Booster N(Emulsifier)
Emulsifier for oily and greasy linen e.g. Kitchen Uniforms.
6,750.00 KSh 6750.0 KES
Rumkleen Dispenser Degreaser
Degreaser for kitchen floors and any other greasy floors
6,800.00 KSh 6800.0 KES
MoreCare Top-Level (Acid)
Is a low foaming, concentrated acid cleaner suitable for use in food, brewing and dairy processing plants, specially formulated for removing strong milkstone and preventing scale formation in milking machines etc.
7,500.00 KSh 7500.0 KES